Installation “IGNORANT”
I’m holding an installation at the most unique gallery FLATFILESLASH in Nagano, on 10th and 11th November in 2017. I’ll create most arts with staying at the gallery.
ALPS BOOK CAMP 2017 詩と朝ごはん
2017年7月28,29,30日に長野木崎湖畔で開催されるAKPS BOOK CAMP 2017、30日の日曜朝に開催する、スペシャルな朝ごはんを楽しみながら聴いていただく詩の朗読会。
I’m holding a poetry reading with a special breakfast for book lovers and outdoor lovers, on Sunday morning 30th July, in ALPS BOOK CAMP 2017.
一時間の詩 / One Hour Poetry
2016年11月12日・18日、長野と東京にて開催された、詩人とふたりの音楽家による公演「一時間の詩/One Hour Poetry」のフォトレポート。
This report is about a concert “One Hour Poetry” held in Nagano and Tokyo by a poet and two musician in November 2016.
フランス惣菜 Le Nid
長野県松本市に、2016年秋オープンしたフランス総菜店「Le Nid」のロゴをデザイン。
Designed the logotype and mark of new French Delicatessen ‘Le Nid’ in Matsumoto.
一時間の詩 / One Hour Poetry
The experimental concert “One Hour Poetry” is going to hold, in Nagano on the 12th of November, in Tokyo on the 18th of November by a poet and two musician. It will become the experimental improvised performance with poems, piano, accordion and cello.
2016年8月6–7日、長野木崎湖畔で開催されるAKPS BOOK CAMP 2016に、してきなしごとが出店します。
I’m opening a stall store in ALPS BOOK CAMP 2016 that be held at the camping space of Lake Kizakiko on 6th and 7th August 2016.
Good Morning ABC 詩と朝ごはんの時間
2016年8月5-7日に長野木崎湖畔で開催されるAKPS BOOK CAMP 2016、7日日曜朝に開催する、スペシャルな朝ごはんを楽しみながら聴いていただく詩の朗読会。
I’m holding a poetry reading with a special breakfast for book lovers and outdoor lovers, on Sunday morning 7th August, in ALPS BOOK CAMP 2016.
手仕事商會 すぐり
Named and Designed the CI and some official tools of new gallery shop ‘manual works warehouse SUGURI’ in Matsumoto.
I took an interview about my work of writing and selling poems from Nagano Kensetsu Newspaper aimed at construction industries.