手仕事商會 すぐり
‘Both domestic and foreign craftsmen continue to make really nice products by their manual works. As is often the case with them, they are not very good at selling their products to the customers. So, I want to help them using this experience which I worked at an art museum.’
As she could meet some good craftsmen and artists in her life and there are their studio in Nagano where she has lived, in the spring of 2016, she finally opened her own gallery shop in Matsumoto-city to be very successful at sales about their products. I named her shop and designed CI, shop card, business card, wrapping papers, stickers and labels.
Gooseberry—Origin of Desgin
This shop name ‘Suguri’ came from the policy that the shop pick and choose the best products, make more attractive and provide them to the customers(‘Pick and Choose’ is called ‘Suguru’ and ‘Excellent’ is called ‘Sugureta’ in Japanese.) And also, the production of gooseberry in Nagano is ranked at second in Japan. People living in big cities can see some kind of berries, but in Nagano, we can see and eat gooseberry with unique green-colour as juices and jams. The existence of unique and tasty fruit was the key to decide the name.
Goose—First CI
One of request about designing CI from the shop owner was the attractive story. So, we didn’t use the story of gooseberry and found more profound story. The berry ‘Suguri’ is called gooseberry in English. Goose is one of the migratory birds and they carries seeds to other land by their migration. Their life style seemed like the shop’s policy which picking and choosing the best products, making more attractive and providing them to the customers, so we chose the illustration of Goose as main symbol. As we want to make the green colour of berry noticeable, I draw Canada Goose which has monotone coloured body and made gooseberry glisten like a green jewel.
CIデザインに関して、店主である文嘉氏からの要望の一つに、「魅力的なストーリー性」があった。そのため、店名である「スグリ」をメインストーリーにはせず、さらに一枚層のあるストーリーを探した。信州では単に「スグリ」と呼ばれるこの実は、全国区では主に「セイヨウスグリ」と呼ばれ、英語では「グーズベリー(gooseberry)」となる。グーズは日本で言う「雁」、渡り鳥である。「作家の手仕事を、よりすぐれたかたちで、お客へお渡しする」ポリシーは、自らの渡りとともに実や種を運ぶ渡り鳥のスタイルと似ていた。松本は海外からの観光客も多いため、またスグリの緑色を際立たせるべく、シンプルな色合いのカナダガン(Canada Goose)を羽ばたかせ、嘴に宝石のように光るスグリの実を添えたCIが完成した。
I suggested the evolution of design that customers can more enjoy to buy some products because there are many kind of tourists—younger and older, Japanese and foreigner. They have different interests but love this city, in Matsumoto. Japanese goose has been one of the symbol of bringing happiness, and the design ‘Karigane’ has come to be used various styles as family crest. Even among those ‘Musubi Karigane’ is an interesting design that crosses its wings with having a circular, the shape will mean forming a friendship, marrying and drawing happiness near. Its meaning was suitable for the style of the shop.
Shop Card
Business Card
Shoppers with two-way stickers
Paper bags with Family crest stickers
Wrapping Paper—Gooseberry Colour Ver.
Wrapping Paper—Colourful Jelly Ver.
Cookie Package Labels
Pudding Package Labels
Client: manual works warehouse suguri
Direction, Design, Photo: Go Uchida