展示と朗読「ながいたび」in 上田
production scene; reprinted edition of my handmade poetry book
exhibition scene
reading party scene
Sat 17th October 2015 — Sun 1st November 2015
Reading Party:
Sat 31st October 2015
book and coffee NABO, Ueda, Nagano
I held my first poetry exhibition and poetry reading in Ueda, Nagano. The location is a popular book cafe for people living in Ueda named “NABO” produced by a secondhand book company, VALUE BOOKS. This time, I tried to show my handmade poetry book “Confession” which I had published in 2004, and I would people like to know my process as poet through showing my young poems. At reading party, I read my young poems I had wrote in my early twenties and newest poems I had wrote this August in Sweden, Ireland and Scotland. The participants of the night was really nice audience. I thought they made that reading party a success.