

After the Fukushima nuclear plant crisis and the Great East Japan Earthquake, many book stores began to ask to want to sell poetry books. Under the recent conditions of the up-tick in terrorist activity and the rightward trend of each countries in the world, I feel that more stores tend to try to sell poetry books. Several years ago, one owner told me to want to trust the power of poetry or verse as his reason of decision to sell my poems at his store.
I haven’t been explained the reason that I felt uneasy with the words for a long while, but I found it at last. In the first place, it’s strange to trust the power of poetry because poetry originally has no power. The powerlessness is just the value of poetry. Everything is enchanted with power in the world, but only poetry shows no interest in having power. Such poetry lives everywhere in the world without becoming extinct—it is truly important for us.
We easily tend to trust or depend on the power of someone or something. Accordingly, we unconsciously try to shelve the effort to observe the strength and risk of our own powers.I think that such our inclination is the source of making the world mad.
Poetry and verse can’t present you the power as we wanted. Poetry has no power.




