一時間の詩 2018 / 長野
2018年3月25日、長野県長野市「Wanderlust」で開催した、詩人と音楽家による舞台「一時間の詩 2018」のフォトレポート。
This report is about our experimental concert “One Hour Poetry 2018” by a poet and two musicians at Wanderlust in Nagano-city on 25th of March in 2018.
一時間の詩 / One Hour Poetry
2016年11月12日・18日、長野と東京にて開催された、詩人とふたりの音楽家による公演「一時間の詩/One Hour Poetry」のフォトレポート。
This report is about a concert “One Hour Poetry” held in Nagano and Tokyo by a poet and two musician in November 2016.
一時間の詩 / One Hour Poetry
The experimental concert “One Hour Poetry” is going to hold, in Nagano on the 12th of November, in Tokyo on the 18th of November by a poet and two musician. It will become the experimental improvised performance with poems, piano, accordion and cello.