This report is about my poetry exhibition with some programs at a popular book cafe sioribi in Matsumoto from the 18th of March to the 2nd of April 2017.
My solo exhibition “Poetic Works” is going to be held at a book store “sioribi” in Matsumoto from the 18th March to the 2nd April in 2017.
PIE INTERNATIONAL|グラフィックス×リノベーションでつくるこだわりのショップデザイン
PIE International発行『グラフィックス×リノベーションでつくるこだわりのショップデザイン』に、「栞日」「手仕事商會すぐり」「リスと設計室」が掲載されました。
A book store “sioribi”, a crafts shop “manual works warehouse suguri” and an architects office “listen and design”—three shops and office were published in a new design magazine “Shop Renovation Graphics” by PIE International.
Wrote a poem for a book store ‘sioribi’ in Matsumoto, Nagano.
新 栞日
Redesigned shopmark, shop card, business card, shopper, book mark of sioribi in Matsumoto, Nagano.
企画展「Traveling with spices」
フォトグラファー・疋田千里とイラストレーター・栗谷さと子の合同展「Traveling with spices」のDMをデザイン。
Designed the invitation card of the exhibition “Traveling with spices” by Japanese photographer Chisato Hikita and illustrator Satoko Kuriya.
Reading Party
“Rules in A Vacant Lot” #2
2015年9月25日、松本・栞日にて開催された、英語詩集『Rules in A Vacant Lot』を読む朗読会第2回のフォトレポート。
This report is about my second reading party with a new poetry English book “Rules in A Vacant Lot” at the most popular book store “sioribi” in Matsumoto on Friday night of the 25th of September 2015.
Reading Party “Rules in A Vacant Lot” #2
新刊英語詩集『Rules in A Vacant Lot』の出版を記念した朗読会第2回を、2015年9月25日、松本・栞日にて開催します。
This special poetry reading is held on the 4th of July 2015, to mark the publication of a new poetry book “Rules in A Vacant Lot”.
Reading Party
“Rules in A Vacant Lot” #1
2015年7月4日、松本・栞日にて、英語詩集『Rules in A Vacant Lot』出版記念として開催された朗読会のレポート。
My poetry reading was held to mark the publication of a new poetry book “Rules in A Vacant Lot” at the most popular book store “sioribi” in Matsumoto on Saturday night of the 4th of July 2015.