Reading Party
“Rules in A Vacant Lot” #2
2015年9月25日、松本・栞日にて開催された、英語詩集『Rules in A Vacant Lot』を読む朗読会第2回のフォトレポート。
This report is about my second reading party with a new poetry English book “Rules in A Vacant Lot” at the most popular book store “sioribi” in Matsumoto on Friday night of the 25th of September 2015.
Reading Party
“Rules in A Vacant Lot” #1
2015年7月4日、松本・栞日にて、英語詩集『Rules in A Vacant Lot』出版記念として開催された朗読会のレポート。
My poetry reading was held to mark the publication of a new poetry book “Rules in A Vacant Lot” at the most popular book store “sioribi” in Matsumoto on Saturday night of the 4th of July 2015.