金井加津子 / Be Yourself
Katsuko Kanai independently started hew own business as a translator and a global business consultant. I supported her personal branding, and I designed her business identity, the typography for her name and her business card. At the same time, I designed visual identities for her web jornal and her English Seminor. Her new web site was built by a web design unit ‘Kurashikata Bokenka’—Hidenori Johnny Ikeda, Saiko Ito and Shintaro Kuzuhara, and I supervised it.
She was born in 1975 and grew up in Matsumoto-city, Nagano. After graduating from the department of literature of Baika Women’s University, she went to Australia by herself on a working holiday and experienced many kind of jobs—for example, worked as a catering staff at Park Hyatt and learnt serving customers. Taking getting married as an oppotunity, she went to England and worked as a tax service consultant for Japanese resident officers at one major tax accountant corporation. Coming back to Japan after delivering her baby, she worked as a translator, a directer of free paper and the staff of an oversea business and marketing of domestic appliances. She has many wonderful experiences and skills, but I constructed her branding based on her own identity and character from the result of our conference.
金井氏は、1975年生まれ、松本育ち。梅花女子大学文学部を卒業後、単身オーストラリアに渡り、1年間のワーキングホリデーで様々な仕事を経験。Park Hyattでケータリングスタッフとして採用され、接客の基本を学ぶ。結婚を機に渡英し、大手税理士法人で日本人駐在員向け税務サービスのコンサルタントとして勤務。産休を経て帰国し、通訳・翻訳、フリーペーパーの編集、家電製品の海外営業・マーケティングを経て現在に至った。多くの経験と職能をもつ彼女だが、彼女自身が生まれもったもの、すなわりアイデンティティやキャラクターをベースに独立のブランディングを構築した。
At first, we thought what was the core of her works to attach an activity name to he business. As the result, we understood that the core was “being one’s self” and that her business was supporting customers to be themselves by her English skill and business skill overseas, so we decided the activity name was ‘Be Yourself’ and I designed the VI in the motif of the name. At the same time, it has the motif of woman’s profile because she hopes that women works and lives by themselves in this business world and society. The main symbol colour is sea blue which has some meanings—Her son’s name, Her vision that her clients succeed overseas with English and Her thought taht they cross the barriers. Moreover, Yellow expresses hre brilliant future like sun light, Red does women’s passions and Black does her independent spirit.
まず、彼女の活動名を探った。独立を心に決めた彼女の最も中心にあったのは「自分自身であること」であり、彼女の仕事は、英語や英語によるビジネスという経験とスキルをもとにクライアントが自分自身であれるように支援することであったため、活動名は「Be Yourself」に。さらに女性であること、女性が社会で自分らしく働く・生きることへの強い思いを「女性の横顔」に反映させて、活動名の文字とともに意匠化した。メインカラーは、彼女の御子息の名前、クライアントが英語とともに海を越えて活躍すること、またさまざまな壁を乗り越えていってほしいという思いに因み、「海色」を採用。日の光のように輝く未来を「黄」、女性的な情熱を「赤」、自分で仕事を作っていく独立心を「黒」で表現した。
Next, I designed an original typography in Japanese and English for her name. Japanese characters expressed her attitude being just the way she is and Japanese’s commanding air. On the other hand, English characters expressed her softness of the atomosphere arising from the superfluity of the femininity and English’s lightness being suit for our communication. Her business card is rounded the edges and has a feminine shape.
次に、名刺やウェブサイトに使用する彼女の氏名のための、日英両言語によるオリジナルの活字を制作。「Be yourself」VIの明朗でポップな表情とのコントラストも考えながら、日本語表記では彼女の強い独立心と日本語の凛とした気配を、英語表記では女性の柔らかさと英語の軽快なコミュニケーション性を表現した。名刺は四隅に角丸加工を施して、女性的なフォルムに仕上げている。
I designed the VI and the invitation card of her English lecture. I used the same colour of the VI of ‘Be Yourself’ to give a feeling of unity. The greatst features of this lecture is being held at early morning on Sunday, being held at a book store and being able to enjoy to learn English casually. I produced the features to the card by using illustrations of a morning sun and blue sea with a pop original typography.
金井氏が連続開催する英会話講座のDMもあわせて制作。「Be Yourself」のVIと同じ配色を使うことで統一感を演出。「日曜日の朝に1時間だけ、町の書店で、爽やかに英語に触れる」という本講座の特徴を、朝日と海のイラストとポップなオリジナルの英語活字でデザインした。
I asked my friend couple, the coolest design team ‘Kurashikata-Bokenka’ by Saiko Ito and Hidenori Johnny Ikeda. Using the VI of ‘Be Yourself’ and the original typography for her name, they designed a wonderful web site that reflected the attitude and thought of Katsuko Kanai.
ウェブサイトは、伊藤菜衣子と池田ジョニー秀紀による夫婦ユニット「暮らしかた冒険家」に依頼した。氏名のオリジナル活字や「Be yourself」のVIを使いながら、これまでに述べた金井氏のあり方や思いを反映させた色使いやレイアウト、また計画しているプロジェクトがウェブサイト上でよりよく展開できるよう機能的なデザインを制作していただいた。
Client: Katsuko Kanai
Branding, Direction, Design: Go Uchida
Web Direction: Shintaro Kuzuhara, Saiko Ito (暮らしかた冒険家)
Web Design: Hidenori Johnny Ikeda(暮らしかた冒険家)
Photo: Go Uchida