


Today, I went to a botanical garden ‘physis’ in Fujimi-machi after finishing a design meeting with REBUILDING CENTER JAPAN in Suwa. With my dog Loch to say good-bye to Yama who she was the mascot dog of physis and Loch’s senior because she past way last month suddenly. Last year, Loch has stayed with Yama at her master house for one month. No sooner had he arrived than he started to look for Yama. When Mr.Sakota—her master arrived the garden, Loch looked into the car and barked to call her. He got scolded by her all the time, but he adored my uncle like a sister. Until the very end, he kept searching for her. Japanese pampas grass bending to the wind. Mt.Yatsugatake glowing with the setting sun. So beautiful.


今日は諏訪でREBUILDING CENTER JAPANのデザイン打ち合わせを終えたあと、富士見のphysisへ。先月逝った看板犬・ヤマに挨拶をすべく、ロッホも連れて。一昨年の海外出張時は、半月の間、ヤマのもとに居候していたロッホ。到着するやいなや、ヤマを探す。迫田さんがトラックで到着すると、車内にいるのではないかと、吠えて呼ぶ。会えばちょっかいを出してヤマに怒られるだけだったけれど、めげずに好きだったのだろう。結局、最後まで、ヤマの姿を探していた。風になびく薄。夕陽に染まる八ヶ岳。どちらもきれいだった。