高尾 虔十の会


TAKAO KENJU is a NGO to protect the nature of Mt.Takao in Tokyo and it was established in 2000. The NGO has the policy ‘Loving mountains develop the mind protecting mountains’. The NGO built their tree house ‘TREEDOM’ to enjoy the nature through five senses and held various events at the tree house, and also has been producing unique projects, for example, ‘Tengu Trail’ etc. Initially it had worked at Mt.Takao, but gradually its activity has spread in Japan because public eco-awareness increased and the similar activities started at many other local towns. Recently the NGO works in cooperation with politicians/public servants who having a high level of awareness across the boundaries of sectional interests, takes part in some international conferences by the United Nations and make strong relationship with overseas NGO, researchers and civil. Particularly in times like this, not to forget its policy and main activity place Mt.Takao, the NGO decided to create its Identity first time.






Identity of NGO



Meaning of Identity



Hidden Capital Letters


The CI of TAKAO KENJU expresses two elements. Firstly, the CI has a meaning of a triangular balance—‘various plants, abundant water, wild life’‘stillness of forest, night sky, moonlight’‘biodiversity, destruction, us’. Secondly, the capital letters are hidden in the CI. When we try to solve the difficult environmental problem, we need to create new and unique ideas. So we didn’t choose common motif and atmosphere to express protecting the nature, for example, animals drawing, a shape of Earth, green colour, the massage LOVE & PEACE etc. As a result, the CI of TAKAO KENJU had a totally new face as NGO protecting the nature, it is really simple, symbolic and unique design.






covering photographs







business card




Client: 高尾 虔十の会 (ウェブサイト制作中)
Art Direction, Design: Go Uchida